Recently my life has drastically changed in so many ways, the loss of a great male figure in my life, and just a couple months later, his devoted wife, my grandma, who was a shining example of what a woman, wife, and mother should be and although at the end of her days she was suffering severely from Alzheimer's, I never once questioned my love for her and tried to visit her as much as I could because the love that she'd given me throughout my life was enough to last a lifetime.
Finding Love
In Addition to losing these two important people in my life I was quickly reminded of how I am still alone. As I sat in a church looking around at my family who I love dearly I realize that everyone has someone to lean on, everyone had a partner, everyone had their own “team” and although it has been Lil C and me for so long, It was then reaffirmed that I wanted something more, I wanted a love a love like theirs.
It’s not like I was being unrealistic, they showed me an example and so have other people in my family and among my peer group. I mean even today this was reaffirmed as I was blessed to learn more about a business associate of mine who has been married to his sweetheart for 30 years! I listened with intent wanting to absorb every bit of information he could provide me so that I could take mental notes on how to be successful in this area of my life. He detailed how they had dated for a few years then split up at which point he moved away for work, eventually met and got engaged to another woman out of state. But, he called off the engagement because something was missing and it didn't feel right... He came back home to Idaho to discover that the one thing that was missing was "her" he came home to his true love and they were engaged and married a short time later.
His words to describe the last 30 years: "It’s been awesome." It touched my heart; it was so simply put but genuine. He shared with me that he felt the reason they have been able to keep the love alive was that over the years they spent a lot of time commuting to and from work, together. He said the time together to "communicate" is so important "nobody makes time for that anymore" he is so right, speaking from personal experience, I know it has been the detriment of several relationships. His words were just what I needed to hear though...
Love Hurts
Love Hurts
During these last few months I came across several bumps in the road and the relationship that I was in it caused me to question whether I should run like I'm used to doing when it seem rough or stick it out. I decided to forgive and keep at it because love makes you do some crazy things and the fact that he was willing to learn from and make it right showed me that he cared, in my mind the goods about him outweighed the little quirks. I knew how valuable and hard it is to find a connection like that. Despite my attempt to give it another chance I was then hit with the third loss. The loss of this relationship, this relationship that I had invested so much of myself in, I had so much hope in, hope for the future.
The pain that is caused and when someone hurts you whether be intentionally or unintentionally the outcome is the same your heart is damaged just like a child that falls on the ground they will have bruises for a while but eventually they will fade. So as I realized that I cannot forgive overnight I understand that love is not picture perfect story. I think the thing that hurt me the most was that I'd put so much of myself into this relationship, with hope for the future and emphasis on whether or not this person loved me, that I forgot the true meaning of being happy. In all the commotion of life and in loss of my dear family, I forgot myself…
Love of One’s Self
It's so simple there's a quote that says "do not ever trust someone that tells you that they love you, if they don't love themselves." I lost sight of that, my sadness, insecurities and anger over feeling let down by someone I loved, were also due to that fact.
A revelation came to me the other night after this disappointment, that despite whatever happened I am going to love me! I have not spent much time in my life making myself healthy allowing God to work through me and to restore my soul. If you love yourself people will see that you are worth their love and those that don't love and cherish you were never meant to be in your life anyway.
Re-focusing on You
I had to allow myself to re-focus on me. So that I could be "love-able". So in this short time, I've been blessed with finding ways to get back to me. It honestly has been as simple as making sure I make time to write out my feelings, read more, not take work home every evening, getting out of town and/or allowing myself to get back in touch with nature. The simplistic beauty of my surroundings, allow me to Hear what God is telling me.
And exercise, this has been HUGE. This has benefited me in so many ways. The first is really the most important to me, that by having an outlet to release all the pent up sadness, disappointment, anger, stress of the day, I get a sense of relief and feel a million times better almost immediately after. I feel as if all those negative feelings are being released through the energy I exert and the sweat I shed. Sounds crazy but hey, it works for me. The second is the more obvious one: weight loss and toning of my body. I had neglected my physical self for so long, being in a caretaker mindset I really didn't realize that I had gotten soft. So far, in the 3 weeks since grandma's passed I have lost 10 lbs. and gone down at least one pant size. My clothes fit better and in that I feel more confident.
As a single mom I know it is so hard to get this alone times to work out, so some suggestions on what I have done are: I either take my little one along with me and make the workout an adventure, she doesn't even know that it is benefiting her as well: ie: bike rides, hiking, walks, swimming. For the times I really feel that I need to be alone I will wait till she goes to bed and do my little midnight run at the school nearby, or work with weights out back.
I will continue to practice these things knowing that it will restore me to the point that I need to be. First to be strong for myself and more importantly for this little angel who is completely dependent on her mama. She deserves to have a mom that is physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy.
Change doesn't happen until you do; well this is my “doing.” No more pity parties I will love ME.
And regarding the feelings of loss of those that I love I have more of a sense of gratitude for being blessed to have had such amazing people in my life. For the loss of such a dear relationship, whether it is a friend, or lover, maybe both; here is what I can say: We are never in control of the actions of others or what their moral compass is telling them, we can only hope and have faith that they will do the right thing. If they are a person of true moral integrity they will. A huge part of it is our responsibility to love ourselves enough to attract a person like this to us.
The next time a relationship goes wrong reflect on yourself and ask yourself "Do I love myself?” If not don't be surprised if things in your relationships are not where you want them to be. You must first change you, before running away from the situation or being left wondering “what went wrong?” Things will fall into place. It makes it a lot easier when you are able to be in touch with who YOU are and what your convictions are. Those who truly love you will RISE up to your level and love you to this level of respect, those who don’t may throw in the towel.
Either way when all is said and done you can say you loved YOU, and in turn were able to love them. The devastation won’t be as hard, you will recover quicker, and dust yourself off. You will be able to raise your head up and focus on you goals and continue with this journey we call life looking forward with hope...
Love yourself.
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