Keep Going...
No one said it would be easy to achieve the life that you want. It takes hard work and perseverance. I'm not there yet but I've come a long way and if you were to ask me, "Was it all worth it?"
I would say a million times over YES.. the sleepless nights, the decisions in life that made you literally sick over heartache, the moments of desperation and despair, Yes it was all worth it even to get to this point... I cant wait for whats to come!
There are several things in my life that I do regret doing and wish that could go back and re-do , however, the hard work and diligence that was put into getting to where my daughter and I are at today I will never take for granted.
I am a divorced mother of a beautiful 7 year old, of those seven years, five were spent raising my daughter ALONE, and now I am back to the alone part. Apparently I work better this way... The man in our lives were not meant to be.

Working as a single mom, most of the time with at least 2 jobs. at one point working 2 jobs an internship, and attending more that f/t schooling. All during these past several years at least paying out nearly $600 a month to ensure secure and quality childcare for my daughter. All but 6 months of those 7 years maintaining my finances/revenue on MY OWN without the help of government funding ie: food stamps, ICCP, etc.. this is in addition to house, utilities, car, and basic needs expenses.
Might also I mention all this has been done without a drop of $ or time spent with her, from her father. At last count, his back child support owed for his daughter was in excess of $26,000. All of which I don't believe we'll ever see. And guess what?
We've done just fine...
I have worked extremely hard to get where we are at today with a solid career that most people work nearly 10-20 years to get to, a secure home for my daughter, a family support system that shares in the love for her, and friends and mentors that lift me up, inspire me and show me that I can achieve it all.
My heart, mind, spirit, has be broken, torn and toyed with more times than I choose to remember and still I ROSE. Yes it hurt like hell, yes there were days that I begged God to take away the pain because I could not physically handle it anymore... But then, came those days of divine clarity where I woke up and just KNEW, it was time.
Time to move forward, time to push through, time to do what I do best...
Ladies do not allow your environment, family history, stereotypes, other people dictate who you will become. All things are possible!
I am just like you, I came from humble beginnings, my family never had the cushion of financial stability for me to fall back on. What they did show me, was diligence and hard work. If you were willing to put in the work anything is possible!
I was never a super genius, just average intelligence, however I was adaptable, I learned early on that the more you know the more value you provide to a company. Financially I learned how to be thrifty even scrappy, I found creative ways of bringing in revenue and in work I absorbed as much as I could that I thought would make me a valuable asset in the future and guess what? It worked!
To get to this point it took hard work, discipline, and tenacity.
Now that we are at a point where for the last few months I can enjoy the fruits of my labor, and breathe I will do it I will take it in and BREATHE. Allowing myself to reflect and to be open for the next step in life.

Hang in there. Push through and one day you will shock yourself and realize, how far you have come and see that you can achieve anything you are willing to work hard for, you will stand high, reflecting on the mountain that you have surmounted and feel pleased, proud and most of all grateful…
Keep Going...You are more Powerful than you know.
#singlemomadvise, #singlemommotivation
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