Friday, October 23, 2015

Learn to Fly... On the Way Down...

Today was a day that I was reminded of what a Long journey this Life has been. I was brought back to a time where I was so naked, so raw, so stripped down, to a point where I had nothing left. I was pleading With God, “NO More," l knew I was strong but even the strongest have that breaking point and I was there. 

Looking back I realize how absolutely resilient we are as human beings. How strong I actually am. I see that incredible power to overcome from within. It comes from me doing my part and then succumbing to something greater than I am to do the rest. It gave me the power to see the light in the darkest of nights.

Although now, those times are not nearly as frequent it still does shake me when it happens and I just need to be reminded of where I have come…

I heard this song today for the first time. And the lyrics hit my point right on; yep, you want to know how I learned to fly? It was on the way down… :)

“So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
Just keep on reaching though the limb might break
We’ve come this far, don’t you be scared now
'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down” –Maddie & Tae

Thursday, September 17, 2015

30 Years!- Life Lessons

30 years of LIFE! As I celebrate a (to me) HUGE milestone in my life I can’t help but want to share how absolutely grateful I am for my life. I can appreciate where I came from, to who I am today, see beauty in the smallest of things, and realize that everything around us is a blessing for us to appreciate. I know that I have a very long way to go, but wanted to share some of the most important lessons that I have learned so far on my journey.

1. An investment in you is ALWAYS worth it.
Whether it be making the choice to live a healthier life, kick addition, gain the skill sets(even if it means putting in more hours) for a better paying job, seeking out cogitative therapy to address personal issues, making more time to feed YOUR soul. It’s worth it a million times over.

2. Reflect what you desire…
You know that saying, “Be the change you wish to see in the world- Gandhi”… yeah it’s true, don’t say you want something unless you are willing to first go out and be/do/get it yourself. When that truly does happen, it’s amazing how everything just falls right into place.

3. See the beauty in others, even if they don’t see it in themselves.
Find the most unique admirable qualities in others that you want to emulate and take something from these individuals to apply towards making yourself a better person. Show them that while they were admiring you, it was actually they that inspired you, thus within them all along.

4. Every person that crosses your path/enters into your life can teach you something.
Learning is ALL around us, take  that extra second to soak it in, and acknowledge it you’d be amazed at what you can learn.

5. Keeping your mind, heart & soul open to where God / the Universe is guiding you, will ALWAYS steer you in the right direction.
The Trouble with this day and age is there’s so much noise! With our careers, lives, families, social media, pressures, there is little time left to actually LISTEN. Listen to where we are being led, amazingly if we actually open ourselves up to this, there is that little lighthouse of Faith, that always guides us in the right direction, we just have to allow the fog to clear from our eyes.

6. Fall in LOVE with a person’s soul.
Ahhh how I have wasted so much of my life on unhealthy relationships of several types (friendship, romantic, business) because all I heard/saw was what was on the outside, I didn’t actually allow myself to feel what was truly underneath. Such a powerful awareness it is, to have; to be able to see through a person eyes to the depths of their soul. Truly loving those individuals for what’s within is incredible. It also allows us to keep ourselves from getting hurt, we can rather see something for what it is and choose to love where they are at, and move on, or cherish them by Loving who they ARE and never letting go.

7. Whatever’s good for your soul, do that…
For me my family feeds my soul, I cherish time with those I truly love and it re-charges me.

8. Life is beautiful.
Just as the rainbow appears after the storm, the first flower blooms after the harshest of winters, and as the caterpillar emerges as the butterfly; I have learned to appreciate the beauty that life has to offer. Our time is here is merely a stepping stone, a training ground, for what’s to come in the next life, how will we chose to live it? I chose to make the most of it, and with God’s blessing I hope to do so, for many years to come.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Steps Towards Success

So many people get stuck along the way towards  reaching their goals with the best of intentions in mind.

They allow themselves to remain stuck only on the step they take and never allow themselves to acheive their fullest potential by getting to the top.

Don't get stuck while taking the steps towards success.Let them be just that-a step towards achieving your goals. 

When you reach the top it's always worth it.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sometimes I allow Myself to go there...

Sometimes I allow Myself to go there...

To feel the past memories of heart break. To feel the pain of  having my heart crushed.  

Sometimes I just take it all in...

I do it to remember how I never want to feel again. I do it to be grateful. I do it to spark wisdom, but most of all I do it to inspire myself.

 Knowing that I can rise up and still live each day as if I had never seen the depths of that heartache. To know that I can love again with Faith in what will be. To move on and to most of all be ever so grateful.

I am grateful for each triumph, each warm feeling, each day of life after.

So yes, sometimes I allow myself to go there, but never do I stay...