Finding Love, Finding Myself
Friday, October 23, 2015
Learn to Fly... On the Way Down...

Thursday, September 17, 2015
30 Years!- Life Lessons
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Steps Towards Success
So many people get stuck along the way towards reaching their goals with the best of intentions in mind.
They allow themselves to remain stuck only on the step they take and never allow themselves to acheive their fullest potential by getting to the top.
Don't get stuck while taking the steps towards success.Let them be just that-a step towards achieving your goals.
When you reach the top it's always worth it.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Sometimes I allow Myself to go there...
Sometimes I allow Myself to go there...
To feel the past memories of heart break. To feel the pain of having my heart crushed.
Sometimes I just take it all in...
I do it to remember how I never want to feel again. I do it to be grateful. I do it to spark wisdom, but most of all I do it to inspire myself.
Knowing that I can rise up and still live each day as if I had never seen the depths of that heartache. To know that I can love again with Faith in what will be. To move on and to most of all be ever so grateful.
I am grateful for each triumph, each warm feeling, each day of life after.
So yes, sometimes I allow myself to go there, but never do I stay...
Monday, October 27, 2014
Letter of Gratitude for my Daughter

Letter (to our creator) of Gratitude for my Daughter;
Thank you for my angel on earth, my living reminder of your AMAZING GRACE. I could never deny you because you have shown me so many things through this vessel that is my daughter. I know she is YOUR CHILD and you have entrusted me with her care and rearing to raise her into the amazing individual that you intend for her to be. She is joy, my heart’s song, my love. Every day of my life I am eternally grateful.Never in my life did I imagine that this little entity could change my life in the most phenomenal way.
Eternally grateful,

My life. My love. My world. Forever.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
"She Wasn't Born That Way.."
From a man’s perspective: “Get right or you’re gonna get left.”
“In the back of our mind we say were looking for a good woman, were looking for a wife, but we treat her like a bad woman… Guilty until proven innocent. How can you build when everything your doing is to tear her down? You need to find your real. There is alot of good women out here but we turn them into bad women because of what we bring to the table... -She wasn't born that way. It comes back to us as the man... I guarantee you, if you give a woman a good dad, a good boyfriend, a good husband, her life story changes...”
-Tony Gaskins
My life story would be a completely different one had my father been the person he is now.

However, it is the experiences that we were/are exposed to, that sometimes scar and damaged us for life. Some though, are more forgiving and believe in that hope; that one day we can heal those wounds that were inflicted upon us so early on in life.
This is my acknowledgement of where it all began-never did I realize it back then- but now, here it is, and there it was. That was what set the precedence for what was to come in my life. ..
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Blessed- 29 years of Life

Today is one of the most memorable birthdays that I can remember. I am so overwhelmingly humbled that God has blessed me with another year of life. I know I have grown more as a person over the last year than I have in any other part of my life. - I experienced several forms of loss and looking back, I now have compassion and understand as to why this breaks a person's spirit and understand their agony; it is deep and time does help heal the pain. - I have learned over the past year to appreciate and actually see the beauty of a persons’ soul. - I am so thankful for the several beautiful individuals that have come and (sometimes) left my life in the past year, they have opened my eyes to things I never cared to pay attention to before. They are the things that matter, the things that last. Whether it was for a glimpse of time or you still remain, I love you where you are at in your journey and thank you for the impact you have made on my heart. Ah how far I have come, and I willingly admit it- those who have know me all these years can attest to this. Life has humbled me and although it has been a trip it is what I needed to become my authentic self. Lord knows why, in particular, this last year has been such an arduous one, but either way I am eternally grateful. I will continue to work towards where he is leading me; to be the best mother and take care of this beautiful angel on earth that he has given me, love my family and friends, and to make a positive impact in this world and to those around me, no matter how small it may seem.